fredag 13. mai 2011

I've seen this guy strolling around my workplace from time to time, with what is most likely to be the same Coke-bottle each and every time.

He doesn't say much, nor does he ask for much more than the use of our public toilet. By the look of his face, he's not a drug-addict, but more likely to be a washed up alcoholic with more than enough thoughts about life than he can handle at the time.
As the last post, I waited until I got behind this guy before I started shooting. Concerning his state of mind, he probably wouldn't bother telling me to piss off, but as he clearly outclasses me in weight, I didn't take any chances.
I'll upload this picture as my first public picture with some description to define the moment.

I was more or less done with photography for the day, after spending hours with a really good friend, taking pictures of whatever we stumbled upon, when I came across these 3 immigrants.
As a controversy to the ethics behind taking pictures of people without them knowing about it, I thought I'd wait until they were behind me, capturing the many colors from their backs.

As I passed them, I kept walking for about 50 meters, whilst looking backwards to see if they observed the massive lens, which they did, making the mother (I presume) curious.
She kept looking back towards me, more nervously than curiously. I just barely got a shot as she turned around for the third time, staring at me.

Subjective Approach

What is all this blogging about?

As last year, I get in the mood of writing around this time of the year.
Why this time of the year, I don't know... but I know as much as this; it's good for me.
Unlike the other blog I've had, I want the content of this blog to be for the readers, and not a haven for thoughts and reflections needing to be written in zeroes and ones.

Why are you doing this to us?

I want to try a different approach. An approach more easy to read, and this time filled with pictures from my travels, both domestic and abroad. This will NOT be a blog about what food I keep shoving in my face, nor will it be a blog about what I'm going to wear the next time I decide to fulfill the need for ethanol... However, I need a portal for picture-distribution and the text that describes the event. Of course, Flickr is a good way of putting your name out there, but I'm gonna start here... for now.


As mentioned above, the emphasis is on the pictures. As I keep running around with 5 kg worth of camera gear each day, I want my work to be distributed other places than just in the albums of Facebook. I will continuously keep upgrading my gear, making, not only tele-photo shoots of people going around about their business, but also portraits of people with different faces, in different settings.

As a first rule of writing, and a mandatory approach to any form of text-distribution, I will do my best to keep typos and other errors out of my work.
I like to say that the definition of me, for someone who doesn't know me in person; is what I put on the paper for you to read.

When, as in how often?

To be blunt, I'm a lazy person when it comes to most things in life. Most likely because I love fixing things after they eventually break. I won't go down that psychological path now...
As a result of my laziness, this blog might fizzle in time. Hopefully, the pictures I take will be the fuel for my activity. Only time will tell.

That being said, I hope this blog goes into the heart of some and these "some" will keep reading my material.